Welcome to my space!

Hello fellow simmers!

If at times I have accepted request because the topic seemed interesting or fun to me, I mostly create what comes to my mind regardless of the current 'trend', usually something I would like to see in my game. Since I am just back after a 4 years break and installed TS4 on my new computer rather than going back to TS3, I have a lot to learn again and I am seriously rusty but hopefully I will find time to create once more. I certainly have quite a few projects in mind already!

Because of health issues (working too much is bad for your health) I now mostly work part time, but I also have other projects outside the Sims that I need to try and keep up with, without letting my game distract me too much. It is mostly learning Kotlin and Java where it comes to programming, and (re)learning Spanish with Duolingo.

I hope you will find something you like on those pages!

Saturday, 21 August 2021

#100DaysofSim - Day 2/100

 Before discovering LittleMsSam amazing Live in Services mod that allows for your family to have a 24/7 nanny, maid or gardener, I had added a girl in a household. Poor her had an aspiration to cook, the neat and slob trait, and was meant to be the 'maid' of the family. I had found the maid outfit unlocked but only as everyday and when I saw Orangemittens' tutorial about making a non buyable garment buyable and using the maid outift as an example, I had to make mine. 

It is pretty much the same way for anything EA has 'hiding' but mods like TwistedMexi's Better BuildBuy is enough to show the items unlocked through careers, events, ... including debug items. So that leaves CAS. 


What are all those options for CAS? I still need to keep working with it and I might be wrong but

  • CAS Standalone - uses EA mesh, so only a link to mesh
  • Create 3d mesh - Cloning similar item in game to import your mesh
  • Add CAS Part Swatch - Not tried yet
  • Override - Takes the instance numbers from ea object and replaces EA object/mod item with yours

Let's start by creating a cloning package in Sims 4 Studio. In the CAS category either select Create CAS Standalone then press CAS. No need to override, I am not trying to change the way maids dress.


Now if you are browsing without knowing the name, you can use the filters on top. Or you can use keywords to see if something will popup.
If you only want one EA swatch just press Next, but if you want to include all of EA's swatches in your file...

... then HOLD DOWN SHIFT and LEFT CLICK the first maid outfit. It will select all the others and include the swatches in your file.

Save your file into a folder, depending how organized you are.


The maid uniform appears with all EA original swatches that were previously selected. You can add custom ones at this point if you wish, different colours for your maids to wear.

First before we forget, we need to stop the uniform from hiding. Go to the warehouse tab and in the Data section scroll down until you see the ShownInUI. Check it for all swatches.

Now back into Studio in the Categories tab you will find the rest of the options. Here are some possibilities:
  • How to change a clothing so that elders can or cannot see in CAS. Or if it's appropriate or not for them to wear.
  • Make a hair, tattoo or clothes available for male and female. 
  • Change which categories the clothing will appear under.
I suggest unselecting Allow for Random at bottom so no new sim will be created using that particular clothing / hair, ... 

Whenever you do any changes, don't forget to press Apply To All Swatches for that section.

Save your package at the bottom right of any tab.
Check in game!

Download the file on Sim File Share

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